Hi all!!!
I've been meaning to write a follow up to my shoe post but I've been soooo busy...doing NOTHING!!! YAY! I've been off for my second spring break (yes, my second. Since I teach for two different studios in two different states my spring break gets broken up...It actually stinks more than it sounds...) so I've been just enjoying a break. I don't really count Viva as a break. Its not really the most relaxing vacation. You are always moving and doing something. It's super fun, but not relaxing.
But, I finally ventured out to have a date with Honey. We went to dinner and to a movie. What movie did we see...???
"42"!!! The movie about Jackie Robinson.
Ok, so I know NOTHING about ANY sport but I really enjoyed this movie. It was a great tribute to a great man. Honey and I walked out feeling inspired!!
A little history on Jackie Robinson (if for some reason you are unfamiliar with him)
Jackie was born in Cairo, Georgia in 1919. He grew up, like many young boys, interested in sports. In Jr. high school he was said to have played basketball, football and baseball.
In 1942 Jackie was drafted into an all black regime of the military during WWII. He remained in the army until when he was discharged. Apparently, Jackie boarded an UNSEGREGATED bus and, when told to move to the back of the bus (even though the bus line was UN-segregated) by the bus driver, he refused. When the bus reached it's destination, the bus driver alerted military police and Jackie was arrested. It was recommended that he be court-martialed. By the time of the court martial the charges had been reduced to insubordination and he was acquitted and relocated to Kentucky were he remained until he was given an honorable discharge in November 1944.
Jackie Robinson in the military
In 1945 Jackie was signed to the Kansas City Monarchs, a baseball team in the Negro Leagues. *This is where the movie picks up the story* He did this until he was scouted by Branch Rickey of the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Jackie Robinson and Branch Rickey
Brooklyn Dodgers logo
(The Dodgers were a Brooklyn team from 1984-1957 when it was moved to Los Angeles, CA)
The movie goes through Jackie being scouted and first put on the Montreal Royals as a trial before being formally signed to the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947. He would be the first black man ever to be signed to a Major League baseball team. He persevered through an incredible amount of racism and people telling him that he didn't belong in a "white man's" game. He had so much on his shoulders and live up to. He played the game with grace and dignity even when he wanted to give up. After all... how many times can you be called the "N-word" on the field before you feel like you want to wring someone's neck? My hat goes off to him and all the other minorities that paved the way to bring segregation to an end.
Rachel and Jackie Robinson and Bill "Bojangles" Robinson in 1947
"42" does a great job of telling this story without it feeling like the typical movie about racism in the 40s. I left the movie theater feeling even prouder to be a black vintage loving girl. I feel like whenever I get dressed and go out in my 1950s garb, that I am paying homage to those strong minority women before me. Without them there would be no way that I would be able to have so many friends of different ethnicities or be able to teach ballet to an all white ballet class and have the students love me (and constantly give me hugs) and I them without color being an issue.
Even if you are not a sports fan I suggest you see "42". My explanation of the movie and Robinson's life is brief. There is so much more to the story. To my 1940s loving vintage sisters, some of the styling may irk you a little but this movie was more meant to be about boys and sports and not pretty 1940s fashions! It wasn't that it was bad styling, I've just seen better in a movie. That being said, it's a really good movie. GO SEE IT!
So that's my post for the day. I cannot end this post without sending love to everyone living in Boston today. I am writing this while watching the news. This is total craziness and I hope it ends soon without anymore loss of life.
Spread love and light today!!!

Great post! I live in Georgia, close to where some of the filming was done. I even have a couple of friends who were extras in the film! I'm looking forward to seeing the movie. (:
ReplyDeleteThis movie caught my eye the moment I saw the first commercial, and after reading your review and learning even more about Jackie, I'm champing at the bit to see it, too.
ReplyDelete♥ Jessica