
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Getting Back In the Swing of Things...(and a move)

Well... Well... Well...

Long time, no see, huh? 

I seems as if I took a seriously long break from blogging... Like a year!!!! Crazy! Has it really been that long? 

Yes, I guess it has. And recently I've begun to really miss it! I missed having a place to put all of my (very) random interests and thoughts. 

So why the long hiatus, you ask? Well... I guess it's because of just that. That my interests are SO random and SO different that it became very hard to fit them all in one little vintage loving box. So instead of trying to put stuff in the box and maybe just make the box a little bigger (as I was prepared to do) I just stopped writing. I needed time to figure stuff out: personally, professionally and spiritually... 

And that's what's been happening over the past year!!! 

My hunni (aka Kenni) and I have made one HUGE change... So you all remember when we were debating moving out of NYC? Well, that happened... Only thing is, it really didn't pan out the way we originally planned. We did move... But not to Connecticut... But to California!! Los Angeles to be exact! Yes, I know, I know. I was COMPLETELY against a Cali move, and my Christmas is going to take some finagling but that's the decision we made! And so far it's been a good one! 

The move was mainly for Kenni's profession as a makeup artist. She's switched companies and has already been doing some work, so that's good! And I was able to get hired at two really well known ballet schools out here!!! So we're basically all set! We just need to find a home!!! Haaaaaa! Right now the wife, pup and I are living with one of our best friends in her extra room. It's been fun! Like being 20 something with a roommate again... But... It's time to settle, so we're hoping to have a place of our own super soon! 

This time in La La Land is definitely a little bit of self exploration for Kenni and I... I'm not sure if we're going to settle here for good, or if this is just for the next couple of years. We don't know! But we DO know that we were getting ridiculously cramped in our tiny Brooklyn apartment and wanted to see what else life has to offer. This was my no means an easy decision OR an easy transition. We've had more than our share of bumps in the road these past couple of months but things seem to be settling into a more normal pattern. So we will see where all of this lands us.

As for the blog, I thought this was a perfect time to rejuvenate it. There's so many new things that I plan on experiencing! I needed a place to put it all down!!! Not to mention...there's SO many more vintage buying options (YAYYYYY)!!!!! I can't wait til I can buy some stuff without feeling that the money should have gone in our savings!  

Side note: I left ALL of my beautiful vintage clothes in NYC!!! I had to!! We flew here and the baggage fees were OUTRAGEOUS! So I had to leave all my pink dresses behind! So... Perfect excuse to go shopping in a few weeks! 

Although I must also confess that I've been relatively vintage -less for the past year. Don't get me wrong... On days I was in the mood I would bust out a vintage piece or two but (like I said in a previous post) I've been coupling my pieces with mostly 90s looks or up to date pieces! Gone are the days when I wear a purely vintage outfit... Unless the occasion calls for it of course! I love a good excuse to dress in a theme!!

So, that's a VERY brief catchup on my life... It is in NO WAY a full catch up!! I didn't even get to the concerts we've been going to or the family stuff that happened over the summer!!! Or all of the new and exciting social media stuff I've been running... New friends that have become like family... All the things!!!! But... Don't worry, lovies... There's plenty of time for all of that...

It's a new day in the world of Mz. Midcentury Pink!!! And I hope you like this new incarnation of her as much as you loved the old one! 


1 comment:

  1. What a truly awesome treat to see a new post from you appear in my feeds, dear gal! Welcome back and many thanks for filling us in on so much of the excitement and change that has been transpiring for you guys lately. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us here!

    Big hugs,
    ♥ Jessica
