
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

MidCentury Pink Does FACEBOOK (and Twitter...and Instagram)

So it's official...

I'm addicted to social media.

It started off slowly. So slowly that I didn't even notice it. It crept into my life by luring me with old friends from highschool. Then dance friends I had lost touch with. Then...oh then...I started my vintage journey and met all of these amazing people that I feel like I have known forever---all through that damned FACEBOOK! Before I realized it I was hooked...then came twitter...then came Instagram!! UGH!! I never had a chance! Not to mention, I now run fanpages  for some of my favorite 90s music artists (that's another story for another day)!!!! I'm on some sort of social media for a big chunk of my day when I'm not teaching dance. If I could make my living from social media, I totally would...Hmmmm something to think about! Luckily, I've been able to find balance with it all. Which helps keeping Honey from going crazy! But yep...being on the computer has become somewhat of a part time (non-paying) job. Not sure if that's good or bad. Midcentury Pink has its own Facebook "Like" page, it's own Instagram AND a Twitter account!!

I'm such a social girl now!!!!

If you haven't already done so, please go click the like button on the blog's fan page!! It would completely make my lil ol' day!! And please follow the new Twitter and Instagram accounts to keep up with the blog.

On an unrelated subject...I hope you all are keeping warm! We have some ridiculously cold weather in the states this week. GEEZ! I love the cold but this has even me dreaming of Spring!! I had a plan to go out with Honey tomorrow and get an outfit post done at the same time but...I'm afraid...Its soooooooooooo cold!!!!!! So, we'll see how that pans out. If you see a post from me tomorrow night you will have proof that I triumphed. If not, then I let the weather get the best of me and stayed in my p.j.'s all the day long...

So what are you waiting for??? Go to my accounts (links in pink on the right side of the page) and make those follow buttons light up! Go!!!

Stay warm, lovies!!!


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  1. That's awesome! I haven't been on Facebook terribly long myself, having just joined for the first time towards the end of December 2012 (I signed up primarily to create a fan page for Chronically Vintage). I love that FB and all these sites allow us vintage adoring gals to cross paths in places on top of our blogs. Connecting with someone you like on social media site always makes me feel a bit like when I'd run into a friend between classes in high school. It just brightens your day! :)

    ♥ Jessica

  2. I don't have a Facebook, but I just put in my request for instagram, it will come from fujiyama_mama_liz . I also just got the instagram so hopefully we'll keep in touch!

  3. great blog, now following! excited to see more post, love your blog name!

    Lucy xx

    Florals & Corals
