
Monday, July 8, 2013

Mid Century Housewife Day 12: Slippery When Wet

Sorry I'm a day late getting this post up. I was feeling super lazy yesterday. I think it's the heat. All I did was stay in bed, watch TCM and eat snacks. Not that I could cook anything in my kitchen anyway. More on that later.

Anyway, Saturday was Day 12 and the last day of the project.

Saturday is basically a free day on the housewife schedule. Its all about the daily clean, baking, cooking and catching up on things that didn't get done during the week. I'm guessing knitting, sewing, reading...things of that sort.

For me it was organizing and paying the monthly bills...UGH!! The worst part of the month (especially when you want to get a couple of new dresses and maybe some kitchen toys. Then you realize that you will be working MUCH less than normal until next month. So no dresses or toys...sigh. Maybe I'll treat myself to a vintage magazine or cookbook.). I'm still waiting to hear from the Experian credit people on some identity theft on my credit report. Someone opened an AT&T account in my name last year and racked up a $600 cell phone bill in my name.I didn't catch it until last month unfortunately. So now they have to investigate before they take it off of my report. This is really stressing me out because I finally paid off ALL of my credit card debt and thought I was home free. Now this, and right when we're trying to get all of our ducks in a row to start the relocation process. Ah well, I guess it could be worse.

I got to relax much more this day than all the other days because everything was already clean! I mean EVERYTHING. And Honey had to work so I only had to make lunch for myself and Givenchy. I have to admit that I do, in fact, cook for the pup sometimes. It's fun to do. He's so easy to please!!!! hehe

Dinner that night was


Ok. So on paper it doesn't seem like it would be any kind of tasty, right. Or at the very least, just super bland.

Well, while not at all a pretty dish, it wasn't that bad!

Please excuse the paper plate. This is where my broken kitchen comes in. After I got dinner in the oven, I started washing up the dishes. As I was washing I noticed that there was a little water on the floor. I thought it was just water from the dishes. Then I noticed that it was a LOT of water and it was really warm. I looked under the sink and that's when I noticed that the kitchen sink pipe was broken. I mean water gushing out!!!!! sigh...

I'm so glad I got dinner done and most of the dishes washed before that happened! We haven't been able to use the kitchen sink since. My landlord is trying her best to get someone out here today but it is waaayyy too hot to not have a kitchen sink. I guess I'll be washing dishes in the bathtub until it gets repair. I'm still waiting and it's noon...

So paper plates it is.

AND on top of all of that, while I'm cleaning up buckets of water, I get a call from Honey. She had a co worker who was leaving and had to go to a last minute going away party. I don't get annoyed at Honey often but this time, I have to admit, I was totally annoyed. Not only was there water all over the floor but now my dinner, which consisted mostly of beef, would have to go untouched for over an hour. dinner had to sit around and wait...and wait...and wait... Since I had dinner alone I just made more broccoli instead of the green beans I was going to make.  Honey didn't make it home until midnight. Thankfully the beef hadn't gotten too dry and she liked it. It was pretty good.

Dessert I made before I even started dinner so it didn't get affected by my little kitchen flood.

I made Blueberry cobbler!!!

THIS was the yummiest vintage dessert that I made all week. Soooo yummy and soooo simple to make.

The recipe says Rubarb Cobbler (which is probably just as delish) but there is a blueberry option at the bottom of the recipe.  There were so many yummy blueberries in the supermarket, I had to take advantage of them! I didn't make a photo of the recipe of the biscuit dough that goes on top but I think your favorite biscuit recipe should work. I would think it would even work with Bisquick!!! Try it!!! I topped off the warm cobbler with Neapolitan ice cream. YUM!

Tomorrow I'll post a wrap up of the 12 days. It really has been a lot of fun and my home is SPOTLESS! I love it. When I woke up this morning I still did the daily tidying even though I didn't have to. Funny, huh??

See you tomorrow, lovies!!
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  1. Ohhh this heat is killing me too!! I am so with you on that! So sorry to hear about the pipe-ugh so annoying huh? But that dish and the dessert look fabulous. This series was awesome!! xox

  2. Am so sorry to hear about that heinous phone bill!! UGH! Why folks gotta be scheming and scamming making it hard for honest working folk to do what they need to do!

    You should look into Pre Paid Legal, Inc services and see what rep in NY is close to you. I have had them for almost 8 years and they send you a report every month letting you know of all of the activity that went down on your credit so you can let them know asap whether or not something on there wasnt you. They also provide the top of the line law firm in your home state along with the monthly credit monitoring service all for less than 30 dollars a month!

    I've used the legal services so often because its nice to just call up your law firm and let them know you need to talk to lawyer about whatever your issue is and within 8 hours they return your call, company policy.

    Ive also used the identity shield services to remove fraud off of my credit, same as what you are dealing with, and it was AMAZING to have a fraud specialist do everything for you and walk you through their procedure on how they will work to get rid of the theft crime for you! It's like have legal insurance, I love it!

    Here is their website:

  3. Oh man! Sorry to hear about your credit report. It is so easy for someone to wreck your credit and so difficult to fix. I bet it is with mixed blessings your vintage housewife trial ends. It has been fun reading your journey. The cobbler looks awesome nd big kudos to you for trying all these new things.

  4. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about the CC bill that someone charged in your name. Isn't it a sickening, alarming feeling when you find out that someone has had their hands on your money or credit? Twice, several years back now, Tony and I had money stolen (via ATMs) from our bank account (once to the tune of $2,000 right after we got paid) and I remember feeling so powerless and like I'd been sucker punched in the gut both times. I'm sure you feel much the same way about this situation. I hope dearly that you're able get this removed from your credit report, honey - it's not right for you to pay (literally!) for someone else's crimes.

    ♥ Jessica

  5. Sorry about the phone bill, I know that would freak me out and worry me until it was sorted out!
    Glad you had SOME fun on your couple of weeks of housewifery ;) And since I have blueberries in the fridge, I'm thinking this cobbler might just make it to my oven...
