
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

If I Had a Million (Etsy) Dollars

Oh! The weather is so nice today!! Not a cloud in the sky and the temperature is perfect at 72 degrees!!! So what am I doing? I'm online looking at dresses!!! I know I should be out enjoying the weather but I can't help myself! 

Here is what I have been eyeing on Etsy. Most of it I would NEVER buy for myself unless it was a splurge for a special occasion. Well, my birthday is in 2 months so maybe that counts!

These are from the FABULOUS Mill Street Vintage. Who doesn't just adore this store. It has some of the prettiest dresses I've ever seen!!

( I've been eyeing this one for a while)

(This is the prettiest color ever!!)

(How cute is this 1940s number?!)

This 1940s sundress comes from Hollie Point. I love the color and the pockets!

I literally gasped when I saw this dress from Rocco Vintage. My favorite color combination.

And these from 1919 Vintage

(How darling is the blue gingham?!? Such a sweet dress. I could imagine wearing it to a romantic picnic.)

A pretty 1960s number from Trunk of Dresses. Another store that I window shop from daily.

And I LOVE this 1950s blouse from Garb Oh Vintage

Ahhhh... ok... now that's out of my system.

I guess I'll go out for a nice long walk with Honey and Givenchy. And maybe make some banana pudding...Yes, that sounds like a good day in the making!

P.S. Bunny and I are supposed to be getting together again this coming Sunday. If that happens I'll be sure to take pictures of our shenanigans!! 

OH!!! P.P.S! Go over to Dividing Vintage Moments. Joanna has the cutest giveaway going on. It's her Glamour Girl giveaway!!! It features a "Glamour Girls" dvd, a C.D. and vintage bracelets.


Have a lovely day, dolls!!!

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  1. I love all of those dresses too! If only I had the money for such little lovelies, but alas I do not, boo!

    1. Ugh! I'm right there with ya! A dance teacher salary only goes so far...

  2. I am dying over the blue gingham! It's so cute!

  3. J'adore!!! Oh these are stunning! I went through the photos three times, but just can't pick a sole favourite. There isn't a single one I wouldn't gleefully wear, too.

    It's so fun to daydream (dayshop?) like this sometimes - it's practically a hobby unto itself for me. :)

    ♥ Jessica

  4. too beautiful dresses to be true ... i can't tell you for which dress i would go ... blue gingham? green 40s? grey & white striped floral dress? or the reddish one with the asian print ... too beautiful to be true.

  5. The black and pink dress is just fabulous. I have it on my etsy want list too. Isn't it a great feature to be able to take all these great dresses and make them your favorites? Thanks for the shout out. I hope you have a great time this weekend. There are so many fabulous dresses in this post:)

  6. O...M...G Mill Street Vintage...oh girl omg I feel MUST get hold of every one of those dresses from that seller! I can totally see you in them!! Gahhh I hope you are able to-they are amazing and very unique and omggggggg fingers and toes crossed that Honey gives you like a huge bday present and you can get them all ehheeh Muah!

    1. You are too funny, girly! I've already started hinting and bookmarking!

  7. Oh my, what pretties! I have a phrase for this kind of etsy torture: "vintage masochism". But hey.... etsy does do gift cards, you could always do a hint hint when it comes to be birthday time (or a not so subtle "heythisiswhatiwant" haha)

    Enjoy the sun!

    xo Sara

  8. Oh these are all my favourite etsy shops! Though they are mostly over my price limit - Hollie Point is pretty reasonably priced and I've bought a few things from there. Love the dress with the matching bolero - I'm desperate for one of these dresses with matching boleros but can't find one in my size or budget!

    1. I always check them out hoping I'll be able to afford one of them. It will definitely take some saving! Oh but they're so pretty...sigh

  9. New follower here! Hello! Just wanted to say that I have been trying so hard to avoid Etsy and contribute to my savings account / retirement fund or whatever it is adult people do but this post sucked me back in... Here I come Wear It Again Sam. I swear that woman has a time machine! Her stock is amazing, and my main Etsy stalk :)

    1. Haha! We're saving too. Its so hard when you are dress obsessed. Etsy is definitely not the place to go when you're on a budget!

  10. Ohhh Mill Street - I love her!
    (PS she does Layaway and payment plans! You totally need one of those in your wardrobe).

    1. WHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! OH! YAY!!! That's probably the best thing I've heard alllll week! Thanks!

  11. Oh the one strap blue/green striped dress is AMAZING.

    Mill Street Vintage really does seem to score herself some beautiful / stunning dresses.

