
Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Case of the Faux Middy!!!

I got a haircut late last night. It was something I've been meaning to do but haven't really had the time or patience to get it done.

 So last night while Honey was helping me wash my hair,  I told her I wanted to cut it. Not chop it off but something that made it easier to get vintage looking hair. So... I went online and pulled up the haircut diagram for a Middy.

The Middy is the one on the right.

I'm sure most of you know what a Middy haircut is but for those that don't it was a haircut that was popularized in the 1940's. The hair is cut to 4 inches all around. I know I wear more 50's clothing but I figured with the right pin curl or roller set it would look more 50's.  I really just need more layers to give my styles a more finished look!

Well, my hair is already on the short side (it never completely grew back from a 1920's style bob that I had a little over a year ago) so when I presented the idea to Honey she knew that it wouldn't need to be cut much (oh, By the way, Honey went to beauty school so she was able to read the diagram easily. She said it's basically the haircut they test with when trying to pass the State board exam to get a license) . But it was around midnight and she wasn't sure she felt like cutting my ENTIRE head of hair to 4 inches. But she did the next best thing. She layered it to what she thought was around 4 inches and made sure it gradually got shorter on the sides. Then she cut the back into a U shape.

It's not from the diagram but it's close considering it was a late night venture.

It's not the prettiest haircut around when unstyled. I double checked it against this video by Lisa Freemont Street...

 and my hair pretty much looked like the black girl version of her hair. A slightly choppy, bad rocker haircut.

I did a quick random set, which I have to do dry at all times. Wet sets just leave me with an afro. I used stand up pin curls on the top and pillow rollers on the rest.

And when I woke up and brushed it out, THIS happened!!


The back is my favorite!!! You can definitely see the curls MUCH better than before!!!

The brush out didn't take nearly as long either!

So while not a "traditional" Middy, I think it works for me. At least until the odd bob shape I had finishes growing out.

Totally in love with my new hair. This is one time random, late night hair cutting paid off! YAY!!!!

I hope your Cinco De Mayo was filled with lots of margaritas and sunshine!!!
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  1. It looks great and Honey did a great job. I had Jess cut my hair once. We it was more like he chopped it off. He did okay but I need to even it out.

    I get something similar to this done every few months. My hair is slightly wave and curly around the crown so it does really well with layers. It makes putting in curlers a lot better. And the brush out is so much easier too.

    I'm glad you really like it.

  2. Your hair looks flat out fabulous! Wonderful home cut (in my pre-wig days, I often cut my hair at home myself or even employed Tony to give me hand - very fish out of water there for him, but he always did a really nice job), dear gal, this length is perfection on you.

    ♥ Jessica

  3. Looks great! Always exciting when a plan comes together!!

    I have been wanting to cut my hair to about my chin, like a early to mid 60's length, but it has always been long and I'm a chicken to try it. So now I just sulk and look at all the pretty pictures of great styles I could try with that length. One of these days I will wake up and say to "heck with it! I'm cutting it!" I hope so anyways...

    1. OOOHHH!!! A 60's length! That would look fabulous!

  4. Do you have any advice for styling ethnic and curly hair? i hate having to use heat first as it doesn't smooth out as much near the ends.

    1. Hmmm... I'm not sure... I have to use heat too to straighten it before I set it. I haven't found any other way to do it yet. If I do I'll be sure to give you a heads up!

  5. It's amazing what a difference a haircut can make when curling and styling! Yours looks great! :)

  6. Crazy cute!!! I tried to get that haircut myself and it is just now getting long enough to make a good pin curl. Tried my first attempt a few days ago and love it! Yours is adorable!

  7. I used the hair diagram next to your middy, the femme fatale when I got my hair cut before VLV and it turned out TERRIBLE. The gal totally butchered my hair. I still can't get it to set correctly. So I am super happy that yours was cut correctly and is setting so well!
