
Monday, February 18, 2013

Viva Las Vegas Countdown!!! 5 weeks!!! EEKK!!

It's almost exactly 1 month until VLV and I'm SUPER excited!!! Our hotel and flight are booked and we have our 4 day passes so we're all ready to go!!

As you know from my past Viva Countdown, I have been trying to plot out what to wear. With my recent Ebay purchases I think I just about have my wardrobe together. I have decided to go ahead and wear the dress from my last post. I'll probably wear it to the car show. I guess it really just depends on the weather.

I bought this cocktail dress also.

The picture REALLY does not do the dress justice! When I'm wearing it, it fits perfectly! It has a metal back zipper but no label. I think it may have been hand made. I think I'll add a cinch belt to it and a bullet bra since the bust is a little pointy. I thinking of purchasing this shoe from Modcloth. I think the color perfectly matches the blue in the dress. If I get those shoes I need to somehow find a belt that matches. Vintage shoes are preferable but I can never really find anything that I like in my size!

Honey bought me this dress as a Christmas gift!!

LOVE IT!!! I'm definitely wearing this one. Finding shoes for this one has been a challenge. I was thinking of maybe a dainty flat even though I perfer heels. The dress has a carefree summer picnic feel that I think lends itself well to a flat.

After much debate, I have decided to go reproduction for my swimsuit. Actually, I'm still leaning more towards a playsuit. I think I'll be more comfortable in a playsuit. I'm narrowing down a few options. I hope to order one next week.

So as you can see I'm well on my way with my Viva wardrobe. If I follow the plan I laid out in this post, I only need dungarees, a couple of halter tops and a swimsuit! That makes me feel a little less frantic about everything.

Oh! Sidebar... I am on the hunt for a crinoline but I have a question. How long should your crinoline be? I Normally wear it so that it is even with the hem of my skirt but I've seen so many different crinoline lengths I'm not sure any more. I've seen long ones that come about 2 inches below the sirt./dress. I've seen short ones where the skirt is longer than the crinoline. Which is correct? I'm sure that the ladies of the past had an opinion about which length was appropriate.

Once VLV rolls around I'm going to be in desperate need of a vacation. Starting this week I'll be teaching 21 ballet classes a week!!!! That's a whole lot of baby ballerinas and moody teenagers a week!! I would have earned my vacation by the end of March!

That's all for now I guess.

Have a fabulous day dolls!

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  1. I've read on a lot of blogs and articles that your crinoline should be 2" shorter than your shortest skirt/dress.

    Love both of the dresses and those heels will look great with it.

    1. Hmmm... that's about what I thought. Just wanted some reassurance. Thanks!!! xoxo

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just love that cocktail dress, what a fab vibrant print! Will you accessorize with hot pink?

    New to your blog, loving it!

    P x

    1. I am DEFINITELY on the lookout for hot pink accessories!!! That's the best part!! xoxo

    2. Oh! And thanks!! I'm glad you're enjoying it! Its small right now but I'm having such a blast!!! xoxo

  3. Both of these dresses are so fabulously pretty! You can't go wrong with a vintage pink dress, in my books.

    Regarding crinolines/pettiskirts, I personally prefer mine to either be a hint shorter then the hem of my skirt/dress, or just a wee bit longer - but only, in the case of the later, if there's something sweet and lovely (e.g., lace trim, eye catching colour) about the bottom of it, so that one is more apt to know that I initially want my crinoline to be showing.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. I knew you would like the pink one!! We are one in the same when it comes to pink! xoxo

  4. Hi! New fan/follower. So glad to see a fellow retro chick with a love of pink! (my blog layout is pink overload haha)

    Re: Crinolines, they average about 25-27" in length, so depending on your height, you can roll the waistband and get the perfect length :)

  5. I just found your blog and love it! :)

    That cocktail dress is really pretty. I'm really into green at the moment, and the colour combination in that dress really pops!

    In terms of crinoline length, I don't really wear them, but I prefer the length of the crinoline to line up with the skirt. I don't really like it when they poke out too much, and in turn, I must admit, that I think it looks a bit funny when the crinoline is too short and the dress material flops over the edge of it....but that's just my personal preference!

    1. Glad your liking blog! And thanks for the crinoline advice. I'm going to try to buy it next week. Will post pics when I do!

  6. I love the blue shoes you are possibly purchasing to go with dress one. What a stunner that one is! That has Friday night written all over it.

    I agree with Incendiary Blonde, I prefer my crinoline to be even with my skirt. I purchased one from Jumblelaya ( a few years ago and I adore it. The top is flat which is so nice because you can easily raise it if your hem is a bit shorter.

    I agree that you could go with flats for the pink dress or you could go with a lovely set of summer wedges.


  7. it's so fun to read all those posts from girls preparing for viva. can't wait to see all those gorgeous dresses worn!
    sadly no viva for me - the bf is going to visit vegas later this spring for punk rock bowling. phew!
