
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Leibster Award, Viva Swimsuit update and Photoshoots!!

I am so thrilled to have been nominated for another blogger award! I love these awards. The question answering part is great. I love to share information about myself that I may not otherwise think to share. Thanks Eunice at The Little Bitty Pretty Blog!!! You're the best!

So now on to her questions

1. Favorite hairstyle?-  Hmmm... that's a hard one. I don't think I really have a favorite hairstyle. I love to try out different things when I have the time. I really want to get better at Victory Rolls and hairstyles that require shaping and precision.

2. If you could live in era besides the one that your style is based off of, which era would you choose? I really LOVE the Victorian era. The clothes and hair were FABULOUS! I always fancy myself a British girl in the mid 1800's.

3. Heels or flats? HEELS all the way!!!!!! I'm already 5'7 and adore heels that make me even taller!

4. If you had a plane ticket to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? LONDON!!! I really do love it there. I've been obsessed with the UK my entire life. Honey and I got a chance to spend a week there a year ago and it was the best time of my life. Honey was hoping it would cure my obsession but it only made it worse. We're planning another trip for next year. I'm super excited!

5. How do you picture yourself 5 years from now? I would love for Honey and I to own a little vintage home in upstate NY or Connecticut somewhere. I have to compromise on the decor of the home though. Honey doesn't really want an ENTIRE vintage decorated home which I don't understand... go figure. I also hope to have a little LaToya or Honey running around by that time. We really want kids when the time is right.

6. What is your favorite meal of the day? Breakfast food is the most yummy food ever invented in my book. I'm that person that eats pancakes and eggs for dinner. I think it's the Southerner in me.

7. Are you a cat or a dog person? Definitely a dog person. We've had cats before but nothing compares to a ditzy dog. Our dog is the craziest, most air-headed dog ever and I wouldn't change him for the world.

8. Your biggest pet peeve? I really don't like it when people make noise when they eat. UGH! It really chafes my hide!

9. Who is your biggest style inspiration? I know it may be a little bit of a cliche to say but it really is Audrey Hepburn.  One of my closest friends and I send each other anything Audrey that we find. I love how everything she wore was simple but so elegant and feminine. She never over did it.I always try to remember that less is sometimes more, especially since I love 50s fashion so much. Its very easy to get carried away. Also, my favorite designer is Givenchy. The dresses he designed for her were amazing.  I'm such a fan of Givenchy we named our Yorkie after him!

10. If you could change your name, what would it be? I would actually make my middle name my first name. Monet. I used to hate it when I was young but as I became a teenager I really embraced it and think it suits me perfectly!

And I'm nominating:

Incendiary Blond
Is Your Blackout Really Black
Mysti Luxe
Vintage Frills
Red Head Ruby

And here are my questions!!

1. Salty or sweet treats?
2. Who is your favorite musician or type of music (or both)?
3. If you could be anyone other than yourself (living or otherwise) for 1 day who would it be and why?
4. What is your absolute favorite thing in your closet?
5. If someone gave you a million dollars to do only 1 thing with what would you do?
6. Vintage night attire or (if you are like me) old yoga pants and sweat shirts?
7. What is your favorite quote?
8. What's the one thing on your vanity that you could never live without?
9. If you could relive any age, which age would it be?
10. If you could have been an extra in a classic film, which one would it have been?

Sooo much fun!!

Ok, now that that's done I'll catch you up on some things.

I have finally narrowed down a swimsuit for Viva. I wanted a playsuit but the one I wanted has to be custom made and I can't get in touch with the Etsy seller! Bummer. But I've found a super cute swimsuit that I want to order. Once I order it I'll be sure to show you guys.

And... this weekend I had the opportunity to help out a friend of a friend on a pinup inspired photo shoot. I did her hair (yes, yes I did and for my first time doing someone else's hair I did a pretty good job) and Honey did her makeup. It was a super fun experience! I think Honey and I make great artistic partners. Maybe because we've been together for so long. The girl who we helped was a complete doll. She recently had a significant weight loss  and wanted photos in her new body. What better way than with pinup, which celebrates women of all sizes? She was beautiful and the sweetest thing ever. She is now a friend of ours!

She was awesome enough to agree to let me post the photos on the blog when they are ready!! For now, here is a preview from my phone. A camera phone pic doesn't even begin to do her justice but it'll have to do for now. That's her baby Mickey on her tummy by the way!

I can't wait to see the finished photos and share them with you all.

I think that's all for now dolls! Have a fantasic day!

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  1. Congrats on your award, and thank you for passing it on to me! :) I will start putting together some answers to those questions! x

  2. Youre so sweet to nominate me! I'm already thinking about my answers!

  3. How cool that Monet is your middle name! Lovely picture of your friend Is that your dog? Such a cute dog.

    1. No it's not my dog. Its the hers. He's super cute, right?!

  4. Thanks for the nomination. I just posted my answers.

  5. We share so much in common, darling gal! I adore eating breakfast foods for other meals, too (I wish you lived nearby and we could get together for a breakfast feast dinner featuring nothing but recipes from vintage cookbooks), wish I could hop on a plane and head to the UK as well (I'm a huge anglophile, and totally love wearing heels, too!

    ♥ Jessica

    1. My goodness! We do have a lot in common. Maybe one day we'll get a chance to meet in person! How fantastic would that be?

  6. Love your answers! I adore the Victorian Era and I'm a huge anglophile myself!
